Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Knox-15 months

Knox turned 15 months last Thursday. He is getting so big! He thinks he is bigger than he is. Here are a few things he is doing right now:
*he is my monkey. He climbs on everything! We have to watch him closely.
* He eats really anything.  I call him the garbage disposal, but a few new faves are danimals yogurt smoothies, string cheese, turkey sausage, donuts, strawberries, kids cliff bars.
* He is talking up a storm. He says mama, dada, dog dog, Karson (heard it a few times), duck
* sleeping like a champ. He loves to sleep. At bedtime now he blows everyone kisses and then when I put him in crib he snuggles with Froggy and goes right to sleep.
* plays with everything. Really likes playing with Karson. They are so cute together.
* He LOVES to play outside!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Knox-14 months

Yesterday Knox turned 14 months old. He amazes me every day! I don't know if it is because he is around Karson all the time or just who he us, but I feel like he acts older and more independent than Karson did at this age. He is always trying to climb something, or play with something new or do whatever Karson is doing. Here are a few of his accomplishments:

* has 6 teeth now
* he loves most foods. Favorites are strawberries, pasta, black beans, cheezits, goldfish, ice cream, donuts, watermelon, French fries, grilled chicken
* running everywhere
* loves to be outside. No matter what we are doing as long as he's outside.
* like to play ball
* he has started to be interested in books. He still won't sit still to listen but looks at them in his own.
* starting to talk a lot. Still a lot is not real words but does say: mama, dada, dog, duke duke (dudu).

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Brotherly Love

Can I just say how much I love to watch my boys play together. They have become such good buddies . Karson wants Knox to be with him and they each want to do whatever the other is doing.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Aggie Game

Last Saturday Karson went with us to the Aggie game. He had a blast, even with the unexpected rain during the whole first half. He said at the end of the night, "just two more sleeps and I go to the aggie game again". We couldn't break it to him that he wasn't going this week.

Friday, September 6, 2013


The boys were trying on their boots the other day to see if they fit. Then they both wanted to wear them around the house. I couldn't resist taking a few pictures. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Strike a Pose

Karson has been taking yoga classes at the gym. He loves it! He comes home and gets my mat out and practices the different poses. It is so funny!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Gig'em Aggies!!!

Saturday Kris and I headed down to College Station for the first football game of the season. We had lots of fun! The boys stayed with Nana and Papa. But even though they weren't there they still wore their  jerseys and supported their team. Gig'em!