Sunday, September 30, 2012

Knox's 2 month post

Knox turned 2 months on the 17th of September, unfortunately I also went back to work on the same day so I haven't had time to post. He is doing amazing! We went to the doctor for his 2 month. He is now 12lbs.(65%), 23 3/4 inches (75%) . He is growing so fast! As far as what he I'd doing now he is doing the following amazing things:
* sleeping 9 or more hours at night
* eating on a pretty routine schedule
* starting to master his head control--- he should be there soon
* loves playing on his play mat. He can stay there for hours!
* makes lots of noises and cooing

Friday, September 14, 2012

More Beach Pictures

 On the road-- don't they look excited about the beach?!?!?!

 Just hanging out with their buddies

 Knox's future girlfriend :)
 Playing in the sand
 They almost held hands-- so cute
 Posing for pictures before dinner

 His daddy wasn't too happy about him wearing Jon's Bama hat
 It wasn't always happy times at the beach
 Family Photos
(Karson was not being cooperative)

The whole group at dinner the last night we were there
(too bad Knox gut cut out-- guess that is what you get when the waiter takes the pictures)
Karson took his Leap Pad every night to dinner-- it was a lifesaver

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Karson's First Day of School

On Monday Karson started his new school.  He is going two times a week to Wilshire Baptist ECLC.  It's great because it is right down the street from the house. He got a new batman backpack and lunchbox from Grams to take to school.  He is very proud of both.  He loves to wear his backpack around the house and he wore it all the way into school (such a big boy).  When I picked him up on Monday he told me "Had a fun day" and then asked if he could go back.  I guess that says it all.  I am so glad he likes school and thinks it is a fun place. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

First SEC Game

Saturday was the very first game foe the Aggies since they joined the SEC.  It was a very fun day in College Station!  Unfortuantely they lost, but we had a great time anyway.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


 Brooklyn and Knox relaxing on the beach
(for some reason the computer won't flip this the right way)
Aren't they cute! 
(this one won't flip either)
Last week we traveled to Destin, Florida to relax and have fun with friends.  It was a great week!  We took tons of pictures,but I haven't gotten them all loaded yet, so until then here is a sneak peak (excuse the quality they are all from my phone).

Knox's First Time to Church

On Sunday, September 2 Knox went to church for the first time.  He was the only baby in his room of the nursery!  Which means he got lots of attention.  He did great!