Sunday, March 27, 2011

12 month Stats

Karson went for his 12 month check up a few weeks ago. He weighed 24.6 lbs (70%), was 30 inches (58%), and his head was 18 1/4 (50%).

He is doing so many great things right now, but her are the a few accomplishments:

* He is crawling & cruising like crazy!

* He will stand on his own for a second, but he just won't take that first step yet!!! Maybe he will soon.

* He says "mama", "dada" and a few more babbled words.

* He LOVES Hogan....I think I have said this before, but he really does love to play with Hogan.

* He is completely off the bottle and formula. He drinks milk, water and juice. He is also off all baby food--- only table food for this kid.

* He really enjoys playing outside. He likes his new outdoor toys and hates to come inside.

* Bath time is another of his favorites! He likes to splash and play in the water!

Let's Party!

Karson with Cousin Madison
The Birthday Boy

Silly Boy

Unwrapping presents-- he liked the paper the best!

Riding his new "Dig n' Ride"

Cousin Macy enjoying this party

Thinking about digging in

Yum...Karson loved the cake!!!

We had Karson's first birthday party on March 19th. They party was at the house and we were blessed with a beautiful 80 degree day. We couldn't have asked for better weather. The theme was monkey. As you can tell from the pictures he had a blast! He got lots of fun presents! He also really enjoyed the yummy cake! Surprisingly he was not as messy with his cake as I thought he would be. It was a great party!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Karson's First Birthday

Karson turned one on Tuesday. He had a very fun day. First, for breakfast we took him to Krispy Kreme to eat donuts. He loved the donut holes. He ate FIVE of them!!! Next, we went to get his first hair cut. We went to snip-its. It is one of those kid salons. He was so good the whole time. I blew bubbles at him so he would look forward. Then, we attempted to go to the Arboretum, but it was too crowded and by the time we got to the off site parking Karson was asleep. So instead we came home and he napped...maybe another day we can do the Arboretum. I think overall, Karson had a great first birthday!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Karson's Date with Olivia

"How you doin'?"

Finally they both smiled and looked at the same time!

On Saturday night we went to dinner at a friend from schools house. Maura has a daughter, Olivia, that is just a few months younger than Karson. They really didn't play too much together, but we did get one picture of them both looking at the camera at the same time. I think once they get a little older they will be good friends.

First Stars Game

His new chew toy

The view from our great seats

On Saturday Karson went to his first Dallas Stars game. A coach from Kris' school had tickets and asked us to join his wife and him. The seats were great! Karson enjoyed the entire game. It was even better that they won. He even got a practice puck from one of the ushers. I am sure that there will be many more hockey games in his future!