Monday, February 21, 2011

Just One More Month

He loves his wagon

Karson shopped until he dropped!!!

Karson turned 11 months old last Tuesday. He is growing up so fast!!! I can't believe that he will be a year in less than a month now. He is doing so many great things, here are just a few highlights:
* He is drinking only from a cup for all but one feeding.

* He is crawling and cruising like CRAZY!!!

* He lets go when standing for just a second and holds his balance.

* He is VERY vocal. He talks and jabbers all the time!

* He LOVES to play ball with Hogan. They entertain each other for hours!!!

* He is completely off baby food. His new favorite food is avocado. But really he has yet to try a food he won't eat. At school Ms. Tiffonie calls him her "Garbage Disposal".

Visiting Grams & Duke in Granbury

Playing the drums

Enjoying the yummy brownie :)

Riding on Pop's rocking horse

Karson went to see Grams and Duke at their new "Texas" home in Granbury. They picked him up from school on Friday morning and he spent the night with them. Then Kris, Hogan and I went out there on Saturday afternoon. It was a lot of fun. We enjoyed seeing their new "Texas" home. It will be nice to have them living closer to us.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Fun

Passing the Time

Trying to fix the window with his hammer

Looking at the snow
Riding on his car thing

We got hit by a snow, well mostly ice storm on Monday night and into Tuesday morning. Since, the temperatures have not gotten above freezing. Which has resulted in us not being able to go to school or Karson to daycare in four days. The first few days were fun, but we had another round of snow last night (about 6 inches) and so now it is just getting ridiculous. We have tried to pass the time the best we can. Yesterday the weather was a little better so we ventured to the mall. It was nice to get out of the house for a while. They say the temperatures should get above freezing tomorrow....but until then we will continue to find ways to pass the time.