Sunday, July 31, 2011

Trying to Keep Cool

It has been super hot lately! I think today we tied the second place record for most consecutive double digit temperatures and there is no end in sight. So we have been letting Karson run in the sprinklers, while we are watering the lawn. Not only does he love it, but Hogan does too! I guess anything to keep cool!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Fun with Mada

On Thursday Cousin Mada and Nana came up to go the the spray park with us. It was a fun time. Then we came back to the house and the kids swam in the baby pool and played with the water table for a while. It is really amazing how well they play together considering they are more than 5 years apart. She is so good with him and he loves her to death!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Trip to the Museum

Looking at a fossil with dad

This was the body exhibit

Watching the tornado

Playing with the wind demonstration

Climbing the wall at the Children's Museum

He loved the snakes!!!

Water table fun...too bad he is use to getting soaked at his water table

so I had to keep the water in the table.

Fireman Karson...doesn't he look cute?!?!?!

Sliding down the fireman slide

On Monday we went to the Science & Nature Museum at Fair Park. The science museum was neat. Karson loved the Dinosaurs and the weather exhibits. But he really loved the children's museum that was downstairs. He was able to play and explore all the exhibits. They even had a fireman's costume to play dress up in and a firetruck for him to play on and slide down. It was a very fun day!

P.S. Sorry for the tiny pictures...I took them on my phone and they came out tiny.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Viva Las Vegas

The view from our hotel room

The MGM lions (they were asleep the whole time we were there)

M&M world Vegas

Posing on the strip

Kris with our hotel in the background

We had a wonderful time just the two of us in Vegas last week! We didn't take too many pictures but trust me it was a nice getaway. But of course we couldn't wait to see our lil' guy when we got back on Friday!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Fun at Nana & Papa's

Wearing his new "swimming floatie" thing

Cousin Madison

Playing on the playground at Chick-fil-a

On Saturday we went to Nana and Papa's house to swim. But before we swam we went to

Chick-fil-a for lunch. Karson & Madison played on the playground. We had to take him away kicking and screaming when it was time to go. At least we know he liked we will have to go play again. He also loved the pool. They had gotten him this new float/ swimmy thing that he used. He even kicks his legs and moves his arms when you hold him like he is swimming. I think it will help him learn to swim & he really didn't seem to mind wearing it. Which is good since he will be at Nana & Papa's house all week. He just left to spend the week with them, while we are in Vegas. I will miss the lil' guy, but will try my hardest to enjoy my vacation.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Messy, messy, messy

Luckily we thought ahead and stripped him down prior to this pasta feast

Like the mac & cheese stuck to his head?!?!?!

Karson has become a very messy eater. In the past few days we have had to go straight to the bath twice after to dinner, not so mention the mess he can make with a pop tart or a PB&J.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Very Fun Fourth

Karson with his Duke

Waiting on the fireworks


Dad with Duke

Family photo

Pointing to the fireworks on the TV

He had to get really close to see the TV

We started our holiday on Friday with fireworks on Lake Ray Hubbard with the Crislers. Karson was totally mesmerized by the fireworks. Unfortunately no pictures from that outing. But then on Sunday we headed out to Granbury to see Duke and Grams. Kris' cousin Amanda was also in town so Karson had lots of people giving him attention. We swam all day on the 4th and then we watched fire works at night. Again Karson was totally into the the fireworks. He started to watch them on the TV (the ones in New York). He danced the whole time while he watched. Then we went outside to see what we could see from the house. We were amazed that we could see them from all directions. In fact, a house right down the street was doing really big ones. Karson kept pointing and then clapping. It was so cute how we would clap when he really liked them. It was a very fun fourth!