Thursday, December 30, 2010

Cousin Macy

Aunt KK (me) holding Baby Macy

Karson loving on Cousin Macy

The three grand kids...Nana had to have a picture of them all together

The very PROUD big sister!!!

Karson's new cousin Macy was born on December 29th. We went to meet her this afternoon. She is a cutie! Karson wasn't sure what to think about the new baby, but he was warming up to her by the time we left.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Rainy Day

Today was a cold and rainy day. We decided to stay in and relax.
Here is how Karson kept himself entertained...

Chewing on his teething toy

Working on his music

Catching up on his reading

Playing with his new toys

Playing his new game--- taking Hogan's bone and tries to chew on it

Loving on Hogan

Playing more music

Playing "touchdown" with Pops

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Karson's First Christmas

Karson's note to Santa and cookies

Opening presents from Grams

Karson's new Pal Scout

We can't forget Hogan-- he got new toys too!
(In fact Karson likes to play with them just as much as Hogan)

Eating the tissue paper--- I knew we didn't have to spend money on real toys :)

Grams, Duke & Karson

Mommy, Pops & Karson

Opening presents at Nana & Papa's house

Admiring the gift Gaga (my grandma) gave him... already one of his favorites!!
Riding around the house in his fancy new wagon with Cousin Mada

Papa, Nana, Cousin Mada & Karson

Nana tickling Karson

Cousin Mada & Karson

Posing in his new bib Aunt Judy gave him

On Christmas morning Grams & Duke came for breakfast and to open presents. Karson loved his homemade waffles that we had for breakfast. Karson also loved all the great presents he got. His favorite might be the music table Grams & Duke got him. Santa even left him one the night before. Then once we had opened presents, Grams & Duke left to head back to Florida. Karson took a quick nap and we were off to Nana & Papa's house. Karson got to open more presents there. He got a drum from Aunt Mandy, Uncle Mike & Cousin Mada. He also got a fancy new wagon from Nana & Papa. I think Karson had a great first Christmas!!!

Christmas Eve

Reading Pop's childhood Christmas books

Eating the bow off his present

Hanging with Pop's & Papa Tom after dinner

Admiring his new toy

Posing with Grams & Duke

Mama, Papa Tom, Grams & Karson

On Christmas Eve we went to Kris' grandparents house. Karson loved opening his first gifts of the season. He got some really cool toys!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Visiting Santa

Karson went to see Santa today. He did great! This is just a picture we took on the camera. The ones we got from the professional photographer are much better. He did great! He just smiled and stared at Santa the whole time.

Hogan in PJ's

Hogan got new PJ's from Grams last night. Doesn't he look cute? He hated them when we put them on him, but we had to make him model them for the pictures :)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Nine Months, Already?

Playing with his Dog-Dog
(Cousin Mada gave him this toy because she had one
when she was little. She named them both Dog- Dog)

Playing with Cousin Mada after they had a sleepover
I can't believe that Karson turned 9 months this past Wednesday. It is amazing how fast these past 9 months have flown by and how fast he has grown!!!

He went to the doctor on Thursday for his 9 month check-up. He was 21 pounds 1 oz (74%) , 28 inches long (40%), and his head was 18 inches (60%) . He didn't get a clean bill of health due to his first ear infection (but we are on antibiotics for that now and he never acted like it hurt so without this check- up I would have never known). But other than that the doctor said he looked GREAT! He is suppose to start weaning off baby food and eating more table food. He is doing lots of great things right now so here are just a few:

* He is crawling forwards now ( and quick too).

* He likes to play by himself with his toys. He perfectly content playing all alone for quite a while.

* I love to hear him laugh. He is very ticklish!!!

* He drinks water from his sippy cup.
* He is eating puffs, cherrios, waffles, pancakes, toast and other table foods well.

* He has his two front bottom teeth and the four front top teeth.

* He doesn't like anyone to hold his bottle (or him) while he is feeding. He likes to lay on the ground and feed himself.

* Favorite bedtime book is the Star Wars book (but only when Pops reads it and does the sounds).

* He pulls up in his crib and on the coffee table. He also tried to stand up when he is crawling, but hasn't gotten all the way up yet.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Fixing his mirrors

Karson's Big Al gave him a walker that looks like a jeep. In fact it looks a lot like Pop's jeep. The first time we put Karson in it he loved it! It was pretty funny that he knew to honk the horn and turn the wheel without us showing him. He also must watch us both back the cars into the driveway because he puts one are over the back and looks backwards when he goes in reverse! It is quite funny to watch him!!!

Dinner with Big Al & Granny

Four generations are in this picture

Karson & Big Al

Last Tuesday night we went to dinner with Kris' dad and Grandma (Karson calls them Big Al and Granny). It was a wonderful dinner and Karson got hadn't seen either of them in quite some time so he enjoyed it too!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Karson's First Lone Star Showdown

Gig'em Aggies!!!

Hogan and Karson loving on each other during the game

Tonight is Karson's first Lone Star Showdown. For those of you not from Texas, that is the football game between Texas A&M and Texas. For Karson's Pops it is the biggest game of the season. So when we got home from celebrating Thanksgiving we changed into our Aggie gear and got ready to watch the game. Karson only got to watch the first quarter, but he enjoyed what he saw. He will definitely get to watch many more in the years to come.

Karson's First Thanksgiving

It got cold he had to wear the hat that matched his sweater
(he looked pretty cute & stayed warm)

Loving on Nana

He loves his Cousin Jen

Today was Karson's first Thanksgiving. He spent the night last night with Nana and Papa, so this morning he got to watch his first Thanksgiving Day parade with cousin Madison this morning. Then we all went to my Aunt Judy's house for a wonderful dinner. Karson enjoyed playing with everyone. Overall he had a great first Thanksgiving!!!


Eating some puffs after he did such a good job drinking from his cup!

Karson has been practicing with his sippy cup at school. On Monday night he showed me that he can drink water out of it pretty well. He was able to get quite a bit of water from it. It was pretty cute, I would applaud and he would smile and do it again so he could hear me cheer again.