Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween at School

On Friday Karson got to wear his costume to school. We decided that his original Halloween costume wasn't school friendly, so he got a new one just for school. I think he looked very cute as a giraffe, but just wait until you see his real costume he has for Halloween night!

Fall Pictures

Last Wednesday Grams took Karson to get his fall pictures taken. I think they turned out pretty cute! He was looks like he was much more cooperative than he usually is during picture time.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Big Boy!

Happy boy... too bad Pops wouldn't smile :(

He is such a big boy!
Karson has started to hold his own bottle in the past week or so. He is pretty good at it too. He had been holding it while we held him, but yesterday we propped him up on his Boppy and he fed himself his whole bottle. He is such a big boy now! It's amazing how fast he has grown up!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Go Rangers!

Friday was Ranger day at Karson's school. His Grams got him a t-shirt to wear. Now that we beat the Yankees on Friday, he can wear it again to support them in the world series! Go Rangers!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Happy 7 Months!!!

Playing with his toys before we left for church today

Reading his book before church

Karson turned 7 months old on Friday. He is doing so much these days! Here is just a small list of what he is up to:

*He is creeping backward all the time!!!

* He has two teeth.

* He loves to hang upside down--- it makes him laugh!!

* He loves when Pops reads to him.

* He is eating baby food like a champ! He loves the bananas and squash, oh and homemade apples!

*He really likes to play in the bathtub. Bath time is one of our favorite times of the night.

* He is taking long naps at school so we have almost given up are late afternoon nap....well some days at least.

* Don't know if this is a positive, but he is starting to show his stubbornness by arching his back when he doesn't want to do things--- we are trying to break this habit.

* He loves to go to school. His teachers say he is always happy and plays well with others.

I am sure there are lots more things, but I think this small list shows how much Karson is loving life and what a wonderful baby he is!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Night of First's

Karson on DART after the game
(he passed out right after this picture was taken)

Karson and Pops at the Mavericks Game

Last night Karson experienced a bunch of firsts. First he rode the DART train for the first time. Then he went to eat at Hooter's for the first time. Just a side note... this is a big deal because that is where Big Al use to take Pops all the time before sporting events or even just to eat. And then he went to his first Mavericks game. He was really into the lights and the sounds. He did great for almost the whole first half, but with 7:30 tip off we didn't expect him to last any longer than that.

Pumpkin Patch

Picnicking with Cousin Mada

His new toy phone for dessert :)

Madison got her face painted

We had a tough time posing with the pumpkins and smiling at the same time

Aren't they cute?!?!?!
(You can't see but they have on matching Halloween shirts)

This might be the best shot we got of him alone

One of the pumpkin houses in the pumpkin village. They were really neat!!!

Yesterday I took Madison and Karson to the Pumpkin Patch at the Dallas Arboretum. I had never been, but it was very cool! They both had fun, but Madison probably had the most fun since she could do everything. I think this may be something we do every year!

PJ Party with Cousin Mada

Swinging with Mada

Lounging around in my bed Monday morning

On Sunday night Madison came to spend the night with us, because neither of us had school on Monday. Karson loved playing with her. She pushed him in his swing outside. She helped with bath time. And they played a lot! Karson really enjoyed his time with Cousin Mada!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Brisk Fall Morning

It was a bit chilly this morning so Karson had to wear his denim jacket to school this morning. I have been waiting for a time for him to wear it. I think he looks pretty cute in it. We had to keep the bib on because we just ate breakfast and I didn't want him to spit up on it :)

Reading with Pops

Karson and Pops read together every night before bedtime. It is so cute. Kris is very good at reading in different voices. One of the best the other night, they read an Elmo book and even if he denies it I heard him read using his Elmo voice! They always read three books. The first two are always different and the last is always Goodnight Moon. I think he may know it by heart now!

Bath Time

Karson started to bathe in the big bathtub this week. He is loving playing in the tub! He really likes to splash me! Right now all he has are a few rubber ducks to play with, but we are planning on getting more bath toys this weekend.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Lazy Saturday

Laying on the bed watching golf with Pops

Hanging on the couch before we went on our walk

Yesterday we amazingly had nothing to do and just all hung out and ran errands together. Karson and Kris watched golf and football together. It was nice to not have anything we really needed to do and we could just relax and enjoy each other.

Riding in a "Big Boy" Seat

Karson got a new "big boy" car seat last weekend. I was tired of carrying around the carrier and at the rate he is growing he was going to need to move up soon enough. He adjusted well to the change this past week.

First Tooth

You can't see his tooth when he smiles, but trust me it's there!

Last weekend Karson cut his first tooth! On Saturday he acted not himself, and so I took his temp and sure enough he had a mild fever. Then Sunday morning he had a tooth on the bottom front of his mouth. Luckily our first tooth expereience wasn't all that bad.