Monday, September 20, 2010

Karson's Six Month Stats

His shirt says it all..."Stud Muffin"

He couldn't stop laughing at dinner when we growled at him
(I know it sounds weird but it was really funny)
I forgot to include Karson's stats from his six month appointment in my last blog. He weighed 19.3 lbs and was in the 75%. He was 26 inches (we think this was not accurate) in the 30%. And his head was 17 1/4 in the 50%. The doctor said he looked good and that he was right on track.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Six Months, Already?

Playing in his pack n' play--- one of his favorite things to do!

Waiting for his dinner. He loves to play in his highchair while we cook.

What a happy boy!!!

Ready for school on his half birthday

He loves his puppy--- so he wore these p.j.'s in honor of Hogan.

Karson was six months on Wednesday. I can't believe it has already been six months! He is doing so many great things theses days. Here are just a few:
* Sitting up by himself
* Sitting in a high chair
* Eating cereal from a spoon, like a champ
* Sleeping 10-12 hours a night ( most mornings I wake him up!)
* Trying to hold his bottle at some feedings
*Jabbering up a storm--- nothing we can understand but he is very vocal!
* He loves to play in his bouncer
* He loves to sit in his pack n' play and play with toys by himself
*Giggles and laughs a lot!
* He loves bath time! He loves to play with the water!
Okay...I could go on but I will stop for now. I can't wait to see what he is doing next month!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

How Bout' Them Cowboys?

My three boys ready to watch football

Karson and Pops watching football together

Resting up, so he can stay up for the game tonight

Karson's Duke bought him a Cowboys jersey last spring, and so he had to wear it today for the first game of the season. He is ready to cheer on his Cowboys all season long!!!

Madison's First Soccer Game

Running with the pack
Watching the ball

Her uniform is suppose to be turquoise but they aren't ready yet.

On Saturday morning we went to cheer Madison on at her very first soccer game. She did great for her first game. She sure was cute in her uniform. Karson was not a fan of the loud cheering.

A Great First Week

(These pictures were taken after his first day of school)

Karson started daycare last Tuesday. He had a wonderful first week! He seems to be very happy when I pick him up each day. School did however wear him out! He slept 12 hours on Friday and Saturday night! He also has caught a bit of a cold---although I don't know if it's from daycare or the germs I bring home or allergies or just because it is cold season. Nevertheless, he has been able to fight it pretty well and still be a happy baby all weekend!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Swinging High

Karson got a new swing last week, but we just got it up today. He loves to swing! I can't wait until the weather cools off so we can swing when we get home from school. For now we may have to wait to swing until before bedtime.

A Day at the Lake

On Sunday we were invited to go to Lake Grandbury to see Dale and Anna. It was a beautiful day for the lake. Karson loved meeting two new friends.

Go Aggies, Go!

If you can't read the bib it says "I spit up on TU!"

Pops and Karson before we left for the game

A family photo---too bad he was all out of smiles by the time we took it

On Saturday college football season officially started for our family. Kris and I made our first trip this year down to College Station to see the Aggies play. We are fortunate that we can still go this year and our families will watch the lil' guy. Before we left we took some pictures. Even if Karson can't go he still wears his game day gear.
***side note*** The game was great and the Aggies won...which always makes for a better ride home with Kris.

First Tie

Fell asleep on the way there

Karson wore his first tie on Tuesday. We went to dinner with Grams and Duke at the Petroleum club. Grams bought him the tie. I think he looked like a little man. He also got to meet Victoria for the first time. He was fascinated with her accent from down under.