Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My Little Artist

Karson has been coloring a lot lately. It is his new favorite thing to do. It is pretty cute how he sits there and colors. He loves to carry around his box that his crayons go in. Yesterday Hogan tried to get his crayon and he said "No, bad dog". He doesn't let anyone touch his crayons.

Monday, September 19, 2011

18 Months

Last Thursday Karson turned 18 months old. He has his 18 month check up next week so I will post all the stats then, but until then here are the amazing things he is doing right now:

*He is talking up a storm. He says lots of words now, but some of his newest are Jeep, Go go (when you are driving), Duke (if he sees a white truck he thinks it is the RV and Duke is driving it), bad dog (may have learned this from hearing mommy say it to Hogan), No (more on that later), yes and many more.

* He likes to go places. If you are going somewhere or if you just put shoes on and look as if you are going somewhere he wants to go too.

* He is very opinionated. He will tell you no if he does not want something. It is actually one of his favorite words.

*His favorite things to do are play outside, play with Hogan & color. He has all of the sudden started to want to color all the time. He will sit and color on the blanket I put down for a very long time.

* Watching his cartoons. He really enjoys sitting and eating a snack after school and watching his cartoons. He will sit still for up to 30 min watching and eating his snack. I am amazed how his attention span can stay entertained for that long!

* Blowing kisses...he tells everyone good-bye by blowing kisses. He freely gives his kisses away. It is really cute.

I'm sure there are more things, but those are the ones that are coming to mind at the moment.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Go Cowboys!

We went to the Crislers' Sunday night to watch the Cowboy game. It was great watching Karson & Carter actually play together. They ran around and played for quite a while. They also enjoyed some yummy cupcakes together. Unfortunately the only pictures I got were eating ones because Karson would not sit still long enough to take other ones. Maybe next time. Even though the Cowboys lost in the last few minutes of the game, it was still a fun time!

Monday, September 12, 2011

First Game

The famous "block T" formation by the Aggie band

Aggie Band

Labor day weekend we headed down to College Station to watch the Aggies play SMU. This was the first and probably only game that I actually routed for the visiting team. Since I went to SMU for grad school I was cheering for SMU ponies for the night. Of course I was still happy when the Aggies won. It is such a better drive home when Kris' team wins :). It was a fun weekend and it was of course one of many we will be at this fall.