Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Having Fun with Grams & Duke

Playing in his tunnel

Hiding in the dog cage

Sitting in his new recliner watching TV...
of course without pants on

Starting this week Karson started going to Gram's house every day instead of daycare. It is a fantastic opportunity for him to spend more time with Grams & Duke & save us money too :)! As you can see he is already having a blast!!

Monday, November 28, 2011


We went to my Aunts house this year for Thanksgiving. She already had her house decorated for Christmas, so we tok advantage and took some family photos. It was hard to get good ones with Karson squirming everywhere!!! My grandparents came in town from Missouri and since we won't see them again for Chirstmas we gave them their gifts early. After we ate Kris left to go to the A&M vs. Texas game in College Station. Unfortunately, I had come down with an awful cold and so I had to sit this game out. It was a great Thanksgiving with all the family!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Best Buds

We took these of Carter and Karson last weekend. They have gotten to be pretty good friends. Which helps since we are such good friends with Carter's parents. Aren't they cute together?!?!?!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ride em' Cowboy

Karson's new favorite thing to do is try and ride Hogan. I know it is probably not the best or safest thing, but it sure is funny. And I will say it occupies his time for quite a while every night. He has gotten up a few times but then he gets bucked off pretty fast. Amazingly he gets right back uo and tries again.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My Little Monster

I know this post is a little late but here are the pictures from Halloween. Karson was Mike from Monsters Inc. He wasn't sure about the trick-or treating at first, but after a house or two he got the hang of it. By the end of the night he was trying to go in the people's houses and was trying to take more than a handful of candy at each house. He had quite the loot once we got home!!!