Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Thomas the Train

Last Friday Grams took the boys to ride Thomas the Train. Karson was so excited! He had a blast! She said Knox liked it as well. Karson told me Thomas talked to him. He can't stop talking about it. He said he needs to go back again.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

9 Months

Knox turned 9 months today. I think I say this every month, but I really can't believe he's already 9 months old! He has a check up but not for a few weeks. I'll update stats then. But for now here is what he's doing these days:
* he is crawling like a mad man (both normal and bear crawling)
* standing with no support
* eating puffs, baby food (but trying to wean off), loves gerber cheese puffs, waffles, pasta, sweet potato, strawberries
* drinks from cup well. Still mostly water.
* he's an explorer... Loves to look around and can move quickly
* always watching his brother and always wants to do what Karson is doing or playing with
* got rid of pacifier
* still a good sleeper
* likes to watch anything Karson is watching
* loves baths--- he likes to splash and play

Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter 2013

We started our day opening the kids Easter baskets. Then our church had the grand opening of our new worship center and children's building. It was an amazing experience! We headed to the DPC for brunch. They had a petting zoo, face painting and Easter bunny for the kids. Karson loved the animals, but said he did not like the Easter bunny and would not be sitting in his lap. Knox however did love the Easter bunny so we got pictures of him with the bunny to mark his first Easter.