Saturday, December 18, 2010

Nine Months, Already?

Playing with his Dog-Dog
(Cousin Mada gave him this toy because she had one
when she was little. She named them both Dog- Dog)

Playing with Cousin Mada after they had a sleepover
I can't believe that Karson turned 9 months this past Wednesday. It is amazing how fast these past 9 months have flown by and how fast he has grown!!!

He went to the doctor on Thursday for his 9 month check-up. He was 21 pounds 1 oz (74%) , 28 inches long (40%), and his head was 18 inches (60%) . He didn't get a clean bill of health due to his first ear infection (but we are on antibiotics for that now and he never acted like it hurt so without this check- up I would have never known). But other than that the doctor said he looked GREAT! He is suppose to start weaning off baby food and eating more table food. He is doing lots of great things right now so here are just a few:

* He is crawling forwards now ( and quick too).

* He likes to play by himself with his toys. He perfectly content playing all alone for quite a while.

* I love to hear him laugh. He is very ticklish!!!

* He drinks water from his sippy cup.
* He is eating puffs, cherrios, waffles, pancakes, toast and other table foods well.

* He has his two front bottom teeth and the four front top teeth.

* He doesn't like anyone to hold his bottle (or him) while he is feeding. He likes to lay on the ground and feed himself.

* Favorite bedtime book is the Star Wars book (but only when Pops reads it and does the sounds).

* He pulls up in his crib and on the coffee table. He also tried to stand up when he is crawling, but hasn't gotten all the way up yet.

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